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Power BI Best Practices

Power BI Best Practices That Will Take Your Business to the Next Level

With the constantly changing world of technology, businesses need to stay on top of the latest and greatest advancements in order to stay relevant. Many companies have taken advantage of the growing usage of Microsoft Power BI to help them do this, however many have not realized how powerful it can be or how they can make the most out of it. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some Power BI best practices that will help your business stand out from the crowd while staying effective and efficient.

Gear System

Step #1 – Understand your target audience

The first step to success with Power BI is understanding your target audience. Who are you trying to reach with your data? What do they need to know? What are their pain points? Once you have a good understanding of your audience, you can start thinking about how best to reach them with your data. Power BI offers different visualization types for presenting information in different ways, so it’s important to think about what will work best for your audience. You should also consider whether or not the visuals you’re using make sense for the type of content that you’re presenting. For example, if you want to share details on inventory at a store location, then it would be helpful to use more visualizations like bar charts and pie charts which are great for displaying totals in one easy-to-understand view.


Step #2 – Pick the right dashboard type

One of the first things you need to do when creating a Power BI dashboard is to decide which type of dashboard you want to create. The three main types are scorecards, reports, and decomposition trees. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to pick the right one for your needs. For example, if you have a lot of data on different metrics, then it's probably best to use decomposition trees since they make it easy to see relationships between those metrics. If you're just looking at numbers like sales figures or customer feedback surveys, then a report might be better since they typically show more numbers at once and can be formatted in any way that suits your business' needs. Scorecards are often used in management systems as they're designed specifically for displaying KPIs (key performance indicators) from different departments like marketing or finance. These days there's no right answer - it all depends on what will work best for your business' specific goals!


Step #3 – Use visuals wisely

Power BI is all about data visualization. You can use a variety of charts, graphs, and other visuals to make your data easy to understand. But beware of using too many visuals. Too much visual information can be overwhelming and actually make your data harder to understand. Stick to a few key visuals that accurately represent your data and tell the story you want to tell.


Step #4 – Stay consistent with colors and fonts

When it comes to your Power BI reports, you want to make sure that you are using a consistent color scheme and font. This will help create a cohesive look for your reports and make them easier for your audience to read. Plus, using the same colors and fonts will help give your reports a more professional look. Here are some tips for choosing colors and fonts


Step #5 – Organize your dashboard into sections

Organizing your Power BI dashboard into sections is a best practice that will help take your business to the next level. By creating sections, you can more easily find the information you need and make changes as needed. Plus, sections help keep your dashboard looking neat and tidy. Here's how to do it:

1. In the Power BI service, select the gear icon in the top right corner, then select Edit dashboard.

2. On the canvas, select a tile, then in the pane that appears on the right, select Add to section. If you don't see this option, make sure you're in edit mode by selecting Edit at the top of the canvas.


Step #6 – Add filters to your dashboards

Filters are an important part of Power BI best practices because they allow you to control what data is displayed on your dashboard. By default, all data is displayed on a Power BI dashboard. However, you can add filters to narrow down the data that is displayed. This is useful when you want to focus on a specific area of your data. To add a filter, click the Add Filter button on the toolbar. Then, select the field that you want to filter on and specify the criteria for the filter.


Step #7 – Get familiar with existing reports and dashboards

If you’re already using Power BI, then you’re on the right track. To get the most out of Power BI, it’s important to get familiar with existing reports and dashboards. This will help you understand how Power BI can be used to its full potential. Here are some tips:

1. Get an understanding of the data that’s being used.

2. Understand how the reports and dashboards are created.

3. Ask questions about how things work and why they were created in a certain way.

4. Once you have a good understanding, start thinking about how you can improve upon what exists.


Step #8 – Look at different time frames in one chart

The different time frames feature in Power BI is one of its most useful functions. By default, Power BI will show you data for the past month, but you can change this to any time frame you want. You can also compare data from different time frames side-by-side in one chart. This is a great way to spot trends and see how your business is performing over time.

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